Bridge Etiquette and Protocol

Click here for New ACBL ALERT Procedure effective January 1, 2021

Sabrina Goley is an ACBL recorder resource.  She can be called if anyone ever has questions about specific issues of the disciplinary process.

The following are links for disciplinary regulations and recorder checklists and information.

Charging_Party_Checklist Aug_2018


Club Discipline Regulation




  • DO go over your convention card with partner before the game starts.
  • DO turn off your cell phone before the game begins. (See director for emergency situations)
  • DO say hello to all opponents when you start a new round.
  • DO be ready to bid and play when it’s your turn.
  • DO count your cards.
  • DO alert and announce all bids that require an action.
  • DO try making your bids and plays in an even tempo whenever possible; avoid hesitations; be consistently deliberate in your bidding and play.
  • DO call the director nicely and raise your hand when an infraction occurs.
  • DO compliment partner (or the opponents!) on good play after the hand is finished.
  • DO observe the time allotted for the play of each round and be prepared to make a concerted effort to catch up if you have fallen behind, regardless of the reason for the lateness. If given a late play, don’t whine.
  • DO NOT delay the bidding or play by doing some distracting thing (including writing on your convention card or posting the contract in the Bridgemate) when it is your turn to do something).
  • DO NOT reach for or touch a card in the bidding box until you are certain what you are going to do – to do otherwise is to invite a director call.
  • DO NOT snap your cards on the table.
  • DO NOT make comments to anyone during play, make faces or use body language.
  • DO NOT point out mistakes or criticize partner or opponents at the table.
  • DO NOT make a ruling or allow an opponent to make a ruling – always call the director.
  • DO NOT hold a post-mortem with partner until all hands are finished for the round.
  • DO NOT stand next to any table where you can see the cards.
  • DO NOT get boards from a slow table that you are going to play. Ask the director to get the boards, but never do so until the round has been called.
  • When the round is called, move all boards (not being played) to the appropriate table. North/South is responsible.


Convention cards

  • All players should have a completed convention card at the table.
  • You may not refer to your card during the auction or play.
  • Either opponent may ask to see your convention card at any time it is their turn to bid or play.


  • North/South is responsible for all entries to the Bridgemate.
  • At the conclusion of a hand North/South must present the Bridgemate to either East or West for approval of the result.


  • You may not ask for information unless it is your turn to call or play.
  • Do not ask for information during the auction unless you are intending to bid – to do so otherwise may be construed as passing unauthorized information to one’s partner.
  • When it is your turn, you may ask questions of the opponents after the auction has concluded. You may ask for an explanation of a bid throughout the play (at your turn), but may not review the auction after you have played to first trick.
  • Wait at least 10 seconds after your RHO makes a jump bid before making a call.

Card Handling

  • Do not detach a card from your hand until it is your turn to play nor should you pull up a card, push it back and then play another card.
  • Any player has the right to inspect a quitted trick (trick turned face over) until you have turned your card face down (in other words, as long as your card is still face up, you have the right to ask to see any cards played on that trick).
  • You may not touch or handle your opponent’s cards
  • Do not mix up your cards at the end of a hand until the result is agreed with the opponents.
  • When there is a question involving whether a card is “considered played” or not, Call the Director. Refer to Law 45 & 46, it is complicated. (It is, however, considered bad manners to detach and replace a card and then play another card.)
  • Opening lead. Make your opening lead before writing down the contract on your convention card, and make it face down and then ask partner if he/she has any questions. Lead may NOT be changed.
  • Card turned incorrectly. Dummy or either defender may draw attention to a card pointed incorrectly, but only before a lead is made to the following trick.

Dummy’s responsibilities and rights

  • There is no set ‘rule’ in what suit order dummy should place his cards, although the trump suit should be laid out on dummy’s right (some also find it useful to alternate colors).
  • Dummy may not touch a card until called for by declarer.
  • If declarer designates a suit but not the rank, he is calling for the lowest card of that suit.
  • If declarer designates a rank but not the suit, he is calling for continuing the suit in which dummy won the last trick
  • Dummy may alert declarer if he is about to lead from the wrong hand.
  • Dummy may ask declarer if he is out of a suit played.
  • Dummy may not call the director until after a hand has been played.

Making a claim

  • You may make a claim by facing your cards on the table and giving a full explanation of how you intend to play the hand. You must leave your cards on the table until the opponents are satisfied.
  • Once a claim has been made, play stops; the defenders may not say, “Play it out.” If there is a disagreement, the director must be called